Vyšla nová verzia programu Therion a je voľne stiahnutelná na www.therion.speleo.sk.sk.
Nová verzia opravuje niektoré chyby a pridáva par vylepšení.
Therion 5.3.16 (2014-12-28):
* scale upper limit changed to 1:10
* geomag data updated upto 2020
* bugs fixed:
– black area displayed instead of some patterns in SVG
– broken XHTML output when string formatting keywords are used in
map-comment etc.
– unescaped special characters in map-comment etc. in XHTML
– improved error message when therion can’t map custom TeX fonts in
MetaPost macros to Unicode
– cave depth value in XHTML output
– invalid compass/backcompass averaging formula
* elevation orientation in Compiler map structure
* VTK 6.0 support
* wxWidgets 3.0 support